February 23rd 2023
Q: I am using a TESTA flowmeter to optimise liquid reagent delivery by my flow chemistry system. I detect huge difference between the flow rate I set on the system pump and the measured value obtained by the flowmeter. Is my flowmeter defective? A: No, the flowmeter is doing exactly what it was designed for. Most flow chemistry pumps are optimized around a single flowrate value and for a particular solvent. If you deviate far from this optimization point and use a different solvent, this can result in a notable deviation between the real flow rate and the set value. However, this is exactly why a flowmeter is an absolute necessity for improving the reproducibility and yield from your chemical reactions. Our chemistry flowmeter supplies the real current flow rate of liquid reagents being added and shows also what fluctuations occur at a particular setting. Knowledge of this will allow you to optimise your flow chemistry reaction accordingly and even to select pumps better suited for your application.
February 16th 2023
Batchmode determination of molecular weight remains a tried and trusted method in many polymer and protein labs despite the availability of newer chromatographic methods. The reason for this is that batch measurements, like those performed with a research grade goniometer system, are far more accurate than chromatographic methods which can be impacted by variability in a larger number of parameters.
February 9th 2023
Q: My HPLC pump indicates that its pressure is very stable but my TESTA #flowmeter shows huge pulsations. How is that possible?
A: By design, the pressure displayed by your HPLC pump is heavily smoothed in order to reveal trends and avoid damage to the connected HPLC Columns. However, it is not designed to show short term fluctuations. By comparison, TESTA flowmeters are designed to monitor the flow rate from your #HPLCpump in real-time. This useful feature supplies the information about the status of the pump as well as the ‘#operationalhealth’ of its seal rings and check valves. In otherwords, the HPLC pump pressure transducer and the TESTA flowmeter fulfill very different tasks.
February 2nd 2023
Many thanks to SCIENCE magazine. They report how the #SolventLineMonitor is a great #monitoringtool able to detect when a pump solvent reservoir serving your #HPLC system is empty and automatically shut off the system. Your HPLC running out of solvent can lead to loss of data, system downtime and the need to re-run samples.
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