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GPC/SEC Chromatography GPC/SEC Chromatography

Trinity - a powerful triple detector for GPC/SECFor macromolecular investigations where you need to delve deeper into understanding the physical structure of a compound then our Trinity combination of DRI – MALS- Viscometer is simply unbeatable. The Trinity detector delivers absolute values for molecular weights plus absolute intrinsic viscosity and precise Mark-Howink coefficient data enabling you to unlock information about both chain flexibility and molecular density. As a result, your determination of macromolecular branching can be based on solid data rather than assumed or projected data, opening the way to a deeper understanding of your material under study.

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DRI Differential Refractive Index DetectorRefractive Index Detectors are most commonly utilized to identify compounds with no UV Absorbance. As such, they find application in GPC/SEC for determination of polymer concentration but also very frequently are used for the detections of sugars and polysaccharides. The DRI Differential Refractive Index Detector shows excellent performance and sensibility and can be found in R&D and QC labs worldwide.

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Differential Viscometer GPC/SEC detectorWithin a GPC/SEC Chromatography system, a viscometer allows use of a universal calibration. Molecular weights obtained with this method are therefore independent of the polymer standards used to build the calibration and can be considered to be close to absolute values. Also, a viscometer will allow determination of further molecular parameters giving insight about the physical structure of the investigated polymer and even opening the gate to determination of branching parameters. All viscometers for GPC/SEC currently on the market, base their principle on the measurement of the differential pressure across a capillary network. TESTA has been able to dramatically reduce the noise level and increase sensitivity by more than an order of magnitude compared to any viscometer available. This allows usage at much lower flow rates than it has been possible. Detection of lower molecular weight and at lower concentration are now also possible. Semi-micro applications are currently easily reached.

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Rapid Scanning Multi Wavelengths UV detectorUV Detectors provide unsurpassed sensitivity and selectivity as concentration detectors in GPC/SEC. The only limitation is that the sample must contain chromophoric groups and that the solvent used provide a window in the absorption range of UV light. With these conditions fulfilled, a UV Detector is of great use as a single concentration detector in GPC/SEC or, combined with a DRI Detector, for the determination of composition distribution of copolymers. The Rapid Scanning UV Detector combines high sensitivity, a huge linear range of more that 4 orders of magnitude and fl exibility in the application, with solid physical base of clearly defined bandwidth and wavelength precision. It allows detection at two wavelengths, optional four wavelengths, at the same time and is therefore best suited for application where complex copolymers need to be characterized.

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Rapid Scanning Multi Wavelengths UV detectorBacked by decades of experience of Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) and Light Scattering techniques, Testa Analytical has created a differential refractometer accessory for light scattering instruments that deliver exceptional performance and is easy-to-use.

The Differential Refractometer is a flexible device which allows fast determination of the specific refractive index increment (dn/dc) of dissolved samples with extremely high accuracy and in just a few minutes. Without any limitations in terms of solvent and with a wide range of measurement temperatures, it is a true workhorse and a valuable addition to any Light Scattering lab. Beneficially, the system also offers different wavelength options enabling precise matching of your light scattering instrument laser operating wavelength, thereby ensuring reliable and reproducible results every time.

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Multi-Angle Light Scattering detector (MALS)

...for GPC/SEC techniques

If you are looking to determine absolute molecular weights of synthetic polymers by GPC/SEC quickly and accurately, then look no further. Our BI-MwA MALS has the highest performance/price ratio of any light scattering detector used for molecular weight determination. Using the system allows you to eliminate SEC/GPC column calibration and improve your data quality. The BI-MwA is simple to use but incorporates sophisticated research grade features.

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• Application Notes

Combo DRI Viscometry DetectorCombination differential refractive index / viscometry detector.

Our COMBO-ONE Viscometer - Refractometer combination detector sets a new standard for the detection of intrinsic viscosity of highly diluted samples. The Refractometer is an integral part of the viscometer, therefore both concentration and viscosity are measured at the same time on the very same sample segment. The COMBO-ONE enables much more accurate determination of molecular parameters and is particular well suited to more demanding GPC/SEC applications such as those focused on investigating the structure and branching of a polymer.

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Liquid Chromatography FlowmeterCombining MALS and Differential refractive index detectors to deliver outstanding outstanding macromolecular characterisation.

The COMBO-TWO MALS / DRI detector package from TESTA Analytical brings together a perfectly matched combination of a high performance 7-angle MALS and an ultra-stable DRI detector - both designed to optimally operate using an integral 640nm light source. Delivering absolute molecular weight data from small to large molecules, MALS is recognised as a trusted GPC/SEC detection technique for polymer, protein, and polysaccharide applications. However, the most accurate and sensitive results can be only achieved by pairing MALS with a DRI detector, designed to deliver concentration information detected at the very same wavelength. Fully compatible with all commercial GPC/SEC systems, learn more about COMBO-TWO MALS / DRI detector package.

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Liquid Chromatography FlowmeterTESTA Analytical has introduced version 1.2 of its popular Flowmeter which enables continuous measurement of flow rate without interference in chromatography systems. Compatible with all HPLC and GPC/SEC solvents, the Flowmeter is conveniently sized and powers itself from a USB connection. A modern PC based App allows continuous recording and storage of the measured flow rates.

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Flowmeter Software Driver for Chromatography Data SystemsIncluding real-time flow rate data with each chromatogram is a valuable aid to achieving total quality assessment of any HPLC, UHPLC, LC/MS or GPC/SEC System.

TESTA Analytical has developed a powerful new software driver that allows control and collection of data from any of its AB-4XXXX Series liquid flowmeter using a chromatography data system (CDS) which supports the rc.NET Rapid Control framework.

Chromatography data systems typically include functionality that enables time-saving in the analysis, interpretation, and reporting workflows while technical controls ensure work quality, effective records management, and enhanced data security. Easy integration and full compatibility with these data systems is a vital requirement for any new device to be used with existing chromatographs by analytical labs that need the highest level of data integrity.

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ParSEC advanced GPC/SEC softwareParSEC is a powerful new suite of software for multi detector, macromolecular characterization and represents the most significant development in GPC/SEC analysis. ParSEC is compatible with ALL GPC/SEC systems and detectors. Many attractive and practical features have been written into the new software for the benefit of chromatographers, including "function specific" views, ensuring the uncluttered display of information relevant to the task at hand, customizable display and annotation options for all graph types, plus a Database approach for practical storage and archiving of data and results associated with any application.

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ReadyCal polymer standardsGPC/SEC Chromatography is impossible without Polymer Standards. For QC Applications which mostly uses a single concentration detector, Polymer Standards are required for Calibration of the Columns which then allows calculation of Molecular Weights. More complex GPC/SEC Systems with Viscometers and MALS, require Polymer Standards for the determination of Instrument Constants and for System Validation. These are the facts which make GPC/SEC without Polymer Standards impossible. A ReadyCal™ Kit combines highest quality standards with easy and fast handling, reducing errors in sample preparation practically to zero. Three sets each of four different pre-mixed standards in 1.5 mL screw cap Vials build the strong backbone of a reliable calibration curve. Just add the desired amount of solvent, shake according to instruction and inject. Column calibration cannot be easier.

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